Thursday, April 19, 2012

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Blogsy Now Supports Posterous!

My favorite iPad blogging application Blogsy now supports Posterous making it very easy to create posts that incorporate images and videos etc and publish to your Posterous site. This is a fantastic development as while it is relatively easy to publish to Posterous via email or through the web interface etc, the management of images and the creation of links is not always so straight forward. Being able to use Blogsy on the iPad makes this a lot easier.

Now, if only Blogsy would support would indeed be the perfect blogging app on the iPad.

It it is!


Posted via email from GuruBob's Posterous Blog

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Some New iPad/iPhone apps

There have been some recent fantatsic app releases for both the iPhone and iPad. I have been using and can enthusiastically recommend the following three apps:

Tweetbot - A new Twitter client for the iPhone. You would have thought that there are more than enough Twitter clients by now but this new client from Tapbots, the makers of some great Twitter clients, is a fantastic addition and has even caused me to switch away from my previous favourite - Twittelator Pro.

Click here to find Tweetbot on the iTunes App Store

Mr Reader - An ipad only RSS news reader app for the iPad. I have been, for a long time, a strong supporter of Reeder for iPad and continue to love the iPhone version of Reeder. But there is a significant feature of Mr Reader that has caused me to switch for the time being. This is the ability to manage and add RSS feeds to my Google reader account from inside the app on the iPad. This is a feature that Reeder for iPad doesn't have.

Click here to find Mr Reader on the iTunes App Store

Blogsy - An iPad blogging app. There has so far been a dearth of blogging apps for the ipad and those that do exist are either lame or not very useful including the Wordpress iPad app which is average at best. The recent release of Blogsy is a god send and I really like the functionality, the user interface and the interaction with sites like Flickr, Google images and YouTube for finding and integrating images and videos into blog posts.

Click here to find Blogsy on the iTunes App Store

Take a look at these apps they have been a great addition to my app collection.

It it is!


Posted via email from GuruBob's Posterous Blog

Friday, February 4, 2011

Back To SEO Basics

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” - Albert Einstein

I am fortunate to be in a position to offer SEO advice to a number of people and in this capacity I have observed that many (if not most) of the problems that people face with search engine optimization (SEO) don't stem from overly complex issues but from either a mis-understanding or mis-implementation of the SEO basics.

Funnily enough, it does remind me a little of a situation from my past. Years ag

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Back To SEO Basics

It's been a while since I posted on my main blog at so I thought it was about time to describe the process I use to troubleshoot SEO issues that website owners have with getting their pages and websites to rank in the search engine results pages (SERPS).

I have found in, almost all cases, that the solutions are much simpler than people assume them to be. Focussing on the fundamentals is the key and ensuring they are implemented properly. The full post can be found at the link below:

Back To SEO Basics

It it is!

Guru Bob

Posted via email from GuruBob's Posterous Blog

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tim Cook - Apple COO

In light of the news that Steve Jobs (Apple CEO) is taking another medical leave and will be replaced in the CEO position by Tim Cook, I thought I would take a few moments to find out more about him. I have been incredibly impressed by the scale of Apple's success over the last few years and amazed at the supply chain logistics that must have been overcome in order to bring such products as the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad and the iMac to market. The success of this operation must be in no small part due to the commitment and efforts of Tim Cook.

During my search I found a recent commencement speech by Tim Cook to Auburn University graduates (Auburn is Tim Cooks Almer Mater). I have embedded a video of the speech below:

During this speech Tim points out the value of intuition, the need for preparation and the importance of a strong work ethic so you can be ready to succeed when the opportunity arises. These are all values I believe in myself and it is not hard to see why Tim is an importance and critical member of the senior Apple executive team.

It it is!



Posted via email from GuruBob's Posterous Blog